Avoiding Errors on Your Invitation Order
It is very important that you proofread carefully before submitting your wedding invitation order. Here are some suggestions for ensuring that your order is accurate:
Type your text line by line in a word processing program before ordering. Use the spell check and proofread carefully for errors that spell check may not catch. Double check all proper nouns such as names and addresses. Check that the date is correct.
Make sure you have included the essentials (date, time and location). These things may seem obvious, but the most common mistakes are often ones that would seem obvious
Have at least 2 other people proofread your text for you. Someone else may catch a simple error that you missed.
Read the text aloud slowly, word by word. This will help you catch simple errors such as words that have been left out. Your brain may miss errors when you read the text silently.
Once you are sure your text is perfect, save it. Then, use your copy and paste feature to paste the text line by line into the order form.
Print out a copy of the order for your records.
While following these steps may take a little extra time, it will be well worth it to ensure that your wedding invitations are error free!